Don’t let external events affect your joy..
Meaning, don’t let a bad day at work ruin the wonderful time you have with your family at home..
Or vice-a-versa!!
We tend to let our everyday events affect our internal joy, which in turn affects our eternal happiness!!
Think about it…………
Okay, stop thinking.. Your thinking to hard.. It’s simple..
Remember the breath of life that HE gave you today and your loved ones that surround you!!
Now if that is not something to be joyful about everyday, then I don’t know what is!!
Life is to short to drown in sorrow, but life is also inevitable without sorrow..
Life is like two train tracks.. One joy and the other sorrow..
You can’t ride one without riding the other, but you have to coast them both out together..
Make the choice not to drown.. Let HIM carry you!!
Remember.. HE’s got your back.. Always!!
May God Bless You All J